What is the GEARE program?
The GEARE (Global Engineering Alliance for Research and Education) program is a one-of-a-kind work-abroad study-abroad program from Purdue University that has been running for over twenty years. Participating students spend a semester studying at a foreign partner university and continue their intercultural experience with a work experience abroad. The GEARE program gives students an unparalleled education in intercultural competence aided by professional and cultural development seminars, language learning classes, and a Global Design project, all of which are increasingly relevant in the incredibly globalized workforce. GEARE students who fulfill all requirements also receive the Global Engineering Studies Minor.

Program Requirements
Student must be enrolled in the College of Engineering, Computer Science, or Data Science and maintain a 3.0 GPA
Language credits
GEARE seminar series
Domestic internship
Study abroad
International internship
Global Design Project
Language Credits
GEARE students are required to complete 12 credits of foreign language study before they go abroad, which gets students up to or through 200-level classes, depending on the language. This requirement means that students are able to experience their host country's culture and navigate daily life better. While exceptions are made in certain cases, the majority of GEARE students study abroad in a country that speaks their target language.

Section Title
GEARE Seminar Series
Domestic Internship
As a part of program requirements, GEARE students must complete at least one domestic internship or work experience. While the GEARE program does not provide internships to students, the professional development opportunities offered by Office of Professional Practice and Center for Career Opportunities as well as the GEARE Networking Night in September are great places to start.
GEARE students are still able to participate in the co-op program. In fact, many students have been able to do part of their co-op program as their domestic work experience and have one rotation as their international work experience with the same company.
Another possible route to fulfill the domestic internship requirement is to participate in research on- or off-campus. The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) and the Engineering Undergraduate Research Office (EURO) are wonderful places to start if this is an opportunity that interests you.

Study Abroad

Study abroad with the GEARE program takes place at one of Purdue's many partner universities. This means that students are able to continue to take engineering classes while abroad — a critical benefit of the GEARE program that means a study abroad semester can have minimal impact on graduation dates.
Applications for study abroad open roughly one year before the
intended semester of study abroad, and it is recommended that you
apply as early as possible. Countries available and partner
universities differ by major, so make sure to check with the GEARE
office and your academic advisor to make sure you're making the
best choice for your academic plan.

For more information, check out these links:

International Internship
The international internship portion is what makes the GEARE experience truly unique! While it is again ultimately the student's responsibility to secure an international internship, the Office of Professional Practice has many connections that make it easier for students to find international opportunities. Keep an eye out for the annual GEARE Networking Night in September, check and see if your domestic internship employer might have an international branch they would be willing to send you to, and look into research opportunities at universities!
Also, make sure to register yourself with IASTE, a platform for connecting students with international work opportunities in different sectors all over the globe. Many GEARE students have had great success with IASTE over the years, and some host countries even have IASTE student chapters to help you adjust to local life better.

Global Design Project
The Global Design Project is the final part of the GEARE program. Students work together in a team to address and solve a real-world engineering problem. There is a lot of flexibility on this requirement and many ways to fulfill it. Some of the most popular ways are to take ENGR 39697, Global Sustainable Engineering, EPICS, or doing an internationally-aimed project while abroad.