The Impact of Purdue Day of Giving
Purdue Day of Giving is coming up right around the corner on April 27. Purdue Day of Giving, PDoG, is one of the biggest fundraising events held at Purdue where student organizations can raise money to grant opportunities and experiences to students.
The money raised from PDOG helps students with professional development through events held by the Office of Professional Practice, OPP. For example, the OPP runs several MILESTONE workshops at Purdue where students can gain valuable technical skills such as CAD and programming with Arduino which translates well to several work experiences. In addition, the OPP holds several professional development and networking events that have helped over 5,000 students gain work experience. Teaching Assistants that teach professional skills courses that go over topics such as how to interview, prepare elevator pitches, and prepare students to work in a variety of industries are paid through donations from PDOG. Purdue students and staff can do site visits to companies to explore careers in multiple industries, such as Joby Aviation and Lucid Motors which students in the ENGR 103 class were able to do over spring break. The OPP can hold events that recognize professional achievements reached by several students from PDOG funding.
In addition to helping fund resources and events via the OPP, PDOG funding helps students complete the GEARE program. Studying abroad and the international work experience are major requirements for GEARE. The money raised through PDOG provides scholarships to students that help alleviate the costs students incur living abroad for an extended period of time making the GEARE a cost-neutral program. Current GEARE students who are studying abroad right now have stated that the scholarship money has made the process of living abroad easier and they can make the most of their time abroad on other experiences. Every year around 20 to 30 students are provided scholarships of $1000 to help cover living expenses.

“For me, the GEARE program is one of the most comprehensive experience-based learning programs in the world. It is truly one of the programs at Purdue that looks to develop, diversity, and enrich students in the program. The scholarships given by the OPP have greatly helped subsidize my housing costs for my work abroad, as well as other costs such as flight and quarantine costs that have come up.” - Nicholas Mori, Industrial Engineering, Netherlands and Hong Kong

“Through participation in GEARE I've been able to participate in some cool, innovative research at a German University and have gotten to engage in fun activities with local German students, including dinners, parties, and playing soccer! Scholarships give me the assurance to be able to afford all of the things needed to go abroad (food, insurance, housing, travel) and make my experience not only enjoyable but worthwhile.” - Josh Keagle, Mechanical Engineering, Germany
Mark your calendars for April 27 to support GEARE!